Caithness FM

All communities have their own unique identity but we think ours is just a little bit special.


Advertising Rates

20 SECOND AD5 plays = £15.0010 plays = £28.5020 plays = £54.00
30 SECOND AD5 plays = £20.0010 plays = £38.0020 plays = £72.00
40 SECOND AD5 plays = £25.0010 plays = £47.5020 plays = £90.00

Production is free, you pay only for the air time.
Reduced rates negotiated for any bookings of over 20 ads booked consecutively.
Scheduling of ads will be negotiated at time of booking. Please organise bookings in good time and allow five days for production.
For more advertising information email:
Or phone: 01847 890000 and leave a message and we’ll get back to you.

Sponsor An Hour Of A Programme

£135 For Three Months

This allows for three plays of one 30 second message in each sponsored hour. This equals 39 plays over three months.
The sponsorship message will include:
Your company/organisation name. Services provided/products produced. Contact details, i.e. phone number, email, web address.
For more sponsorship information email:
Or phone: 01847 890000 and leave a message and we’ll get back to you.


Promote Charity Events For Free
Advertise Job Vacancies For Free

For more information email:
Or phone: 01847 890000 and leave a message and we’ll get back to you.

All income raised from advertising and sponsorship is reinvested in the radio station.

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